Jean Delpech’s career from 1935 to 1950
In 2019, the Musée de l'Armée acquired a collection of over 700 drawings and prints by the artist, providing invaluable evidence of the Second World War: mobilized in 1938 in the Alpine hunters until the end of 1940, the painter, who lived in Paris during the Occupation, produced a quasi-ethnographic work on the war.
Historical landmarks
10 May
Start of Germany’s invasion of Belgium and the Netherlands; end of the “Phony War”
10 May to 25 June
French Campaign
13 May
German advance in the Ardennes. Positioning in Lutter (Haut-Rhin)
20 May to 4 June
Battle of Dunkirk
10 June
Italy declares war on France
14 June
The Germans enter Paris
17 June
Bombing of Rennes
22 June
Signature of the Franco-German Armistice
24 June
Signature of the Franco-Italian Armistice
Jean Delpech’s career
5 January
Quartered in Bitche (Moselle)
6 January to 29 February
Based on the Maginot line. Remark in a letter to his parents: “This is an incredible war that has thrown all my expectations and ideas into confusion.” (letter of 1 January 1940, Delpech family archives)
Early February
His father, Charles Delpech, dies in Rennes
13 February
Private Jean Trabach’s death affects Jean Delpech deeply.’ Creation of several works relating to the event
20 February
Return to Bitche (Moselle)
3 March
Return to Arzviller (Moselle)
11 March to 11 May
Quartered in Jura and then in Winkel near the Swiss border. The artist decorates the officers’ bar and quarters
1st April
Promoted to sergeant
23 April
Return from leave, put under arrest for eight days due to late arrival. Creates the sets for a play performed by the 15th BCA
24 May
Various works and reconnaissance of defensive installations on the Marne at Montreuil-aux-Lions (Aisne) and around Ferté-sous-Jouarre (Seine-et-Marne)
The artist sends his drawings to his mother so that she can keep them safe
3 June
In Épieds (Eure), airstrikes by enemy aircraft on their way to Paris. Departure for Coulonges-Cohan (Aisne)
7-13 June
Several enemy attacks at Beuvardes (Aisne), Margny and Montmirail (Marne)
14-25 June
The 15th BCA is transferred to Indre
June to July
After losing his battalion, Jean Delpech arrives in Toulouse alone. Stay in Mirepoix (Ariège); meets Raymond Escholier, curator at the Musée du Petit Palais in Paris, whose works have been evacuated to Mirepoix. Delpech shows him his drawings. Looks for a job as drawing teacher
11 July
Dissolution of the 15th BCA
September to December
Return to his mother’s house in Rennes. Preparation for the primary school teacher’s examination
9 September
Jean Delpech is demobbed
31 December
Louis Roger offers him a grant to re-enrol at his Paris School of Fine Arts’ studio when it reopens