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among the works

Jean Delpech produced an atypical body of work. There is still a good deal of mystery attached to his drawings and prints, which are clearly of visionary and phantasmagorical inspiration while depicting very real subjects.

Laëtitia Desserrières - 2021

Who is Jean Delpech?

Born in Vietnam in 1916, Jean Delpech is a unique artist. The works conserved at the Musée de l’Armée, mostly drawings and prints, trace his career during the Second World War, from his military service in the 15th Alpine Hunters Battalion (BCA), in which he was mobilised in September 1939, to his stay in Germany in 1945, as a war correspondent with the 1st Army.

Jean Delpech portrait noir et blanc

Explore by subject All the subjects

Military service

On campaign

The Occupation

The imagined war

Jean Delpech’s career from 1935 to 1950

With support from Getty through the "Paper Project"