Allegorical works
In the immediate post-war period, Jean Delpech considered publishing a work illustrated with engravings titled Pour une histoire de la Guerre mondiale 1939-1945 (For a History of the 1939-1945 World War). Unfortunately, the project finally came to nothing. The works that were to be included in it are allegories testifying to the artist’s ambivalent feelings towards the War’s various protagonists. Hence, in the engraving Les Alliés s’emparent du ciel (The Allies Take Possession of the Sky), (Inv. 2019.58.67 and Inv. 20929-361) Delpech’s fascination with the unrivalled technological power of the warplanes designed by the United States is clear enough. However, he also saw them as swords of Damocles, capable of raining down death at any moment. In addition to these engravings, Delpech also produced large-scale allegories of the War’s various protagonists: France, England and Germany. A versatile engraver, he created them as woodcuts. Skilfully hijacking the codes of popular engraving, he included little vignettes in them, like a strip cartoon, so creating compositions packed with symbols.
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Cadavres et membres
Guerre et Mort
L'Europe assiégée
Entre 1940 et 1945
Paris Capitale
Guerre et Mort